For your first step you will make
a sphere by clicking the sphere tool on the
far left under polygons.
Then you should have a sphere in your workspace and it should look like this.
Next you will hold down the
right click on your mouse
and go down to assign
favorite material and
then let go once your mouse
is hovering over lambert.
Then you will see a menu
appear on the right of
your screen. Click the grey
box next to the word color.
Then the color menu will appear.
Change the H value to 60,
the S value to 0.207,
and the V value to 1.
Now your sphere should look
something like this.
Then still being in the attribute editor, click the
checkered box across from bump mapping.
After you click on bump mapping look for
the texture called fractal.
Then under the fractal attributes lower the
amplitude down to 0.048.
Then you have your ice cream!!!