Tuesday, May 19, 2015

eComm Final Blog

e9 Final Project 

In animation, I was the team member that made the product or the prototype to see what it would end up looking like. In the end I was feeling pretty good on how it turned out. Originally, I expected it to look very horrible but, it wasn't half bad! At first, being a team was a little tricky since none of us had really worked together in our class this year. But learning each other's skills in animation made each rotation that much easier.

Second, for my group our next rotation was going to be graphic and web design. Greyson was doing a good job as the leader at first but soon enough we all stepped up and had to take the role as the leader every now and then. In the graphic and web rotation I mainly worked on the coupon and the ad everyday. In graphic design m group worked really well together and got along.

Finally, in the third rotation, video my group really worked well together. At the beginning we had a rough start on the story board of our commercial, but as a team we were able to pull our skills together and make one great company.

Banana phone commercial

Our group's product are Banana phones! Banana phones are the new headphones that blend in with your ears and hair so other people can't tell a difference! Banana phones come wireless and wired and can be customized to fit and match anyone’s ears and hair! The ear buds only come wired.Prices for Headphones are $99.99 for wired and $159.99 for wireless! The prices for ear buds are $29.99 to $39.99 depending on customization.