Friday, December 18, 2015

Logo and design process

Step 1 
This year we re-did our logos from last year. Last year I had a boring light bulb and this year I had intentions to make something different. So I tried to get something across with my initials and I knew I could figure something out related to them, so I tried using cursive. At first I had a bunch of ideas but I wasn't to sure which one to pick. So I ended up picking some of my favorites. Next after sketching was going to the computer to make it.

Step 2
After sketching my logo I went off to the computer to make it. I made cursive letters and put them together in different ways and in different colors trying to make different styles of it. Later we critiqued them and well no one really liked it and I'm thinking well this is school and we are just trying to have fun right? So I decided to just keep it but just in case I decided to make another one in case if it's not approved. 
Step 3
After making our logo we went to execute. Next we would take our logo and put it on a business card and completely fulfilling the assignment at task and officially making our company and using our logo.

Making objects with shadows

You see this snapple bottle? No, not that one, the one that is flat on the ground! Yep that's right it's a copy of the original just layed flat, and given an effect appearing to look just like a shadow. All you need to do is take the original, make a copy, then press Command+T drag the top down, make the whole copy a grey color and then you have our shadow!

Card Final

For Graphic design in our final we made a business card and a post card for the holidays.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Early this year our graphic design class made patterns radial & repeating. Each one was very unique having its own mark. Each was required to have grey, blue, or both. In the end they all ended up looking great!

Floating mountain

For one of our first projects in Photoshop this year we made a floating mountain. First we would take a the picture of the mountain that we were given and then you would use the lasso tool to go around it and make the crop it to place it in a picture of the sky. Next, you would use the hue to make the color of the mountain match the color of the sky. Then we were instructed to take a couple of objects, do the same for them and then you had your floating mountain!

Painting in photoshop

Painting in Photoshop was one of my favorite projects so far. You could take any picture and make it  appear as if it was painted! First, you would import the picture that you wanted to transform, second you would take the brush asset tool and change it to wet or moist giving the picture the affect making it look as if it was painted!

Photoshop masks

Yet another of of our classes projects was to take a picture and put a mask on it of the picture on another layer. This may sound confusing but it looks really cool when you are done with it! First you would import a picture then make a copy layer of it. Second, you would click the symbol at the bottom of the page that looks like a rectangle with a white circle over it. Then you could write text, move the copy background layer, and then you have a Photoshop mask!

Famous Logo

For the famous logo project I did the apple logo. At first it was a little tricky trying to make the base of the apple but after a while, I figured it out. The tutorial I used is on YouTube.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to tutorial

How to use the eyedropper tool

1. Select the eyedropper tool on the left side of the screen on the tool selection menu.
2. Hover the selected eyedropper tool over the color you want.
3. Left click on the color.
4. Then you have your selected color!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Creative Anarchy

Creative anarchy is bending the rules without breaking them, but at the same time still following them. Graphic design is all about making life flourish, and not be black and white. Design influences all of our lives if you knew it or not, it does everyday. Think about this, you're at a clothing store and you see all of these clothes all grays, blacks, reds, blues, and all other colors and somewhere in all of the clothes you spot a neon colored shirt your instincts are naturally going to tell you to go check that shirt out because it stands out more than all of the others. Again at that moment if you knew it or not that shirt impacted you because its design was unique. That is exactly what design is all about, making your idea stand out, give it a creative twist and make it your own.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Pencils and Personal Project

In this project in graphic design we made pencils. First, we made one that we followed directions, and the second we did it ourselves. To make it, first we put the grid on so the objects would snap to the grid to make it easier. Then we made the shapes snapping them to the grid, and then we used the live paint bucket tool to color the pencil. First, I learned a lot about illustrator such as the live paint bucket, the pencil tool, and how to use the grid to get objects to snap to align the shapes to make your creation. Then the last one on the bottom was my personal project, pac-man because one of the first games I played was pac-man. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Professional Project Review

In this video is is a bunch of small birds not letting a bigger bird in their group and the smaller birds end up getting launched up in the sky from the telephone pole. The emotions that are on the characters face is one element I could apply to my own work because it shows how the birds are feeling. One element I have added to some of my own works is the squash and stretch that is in the video like when the birds are launched, and when they hit the ground. The best part of the animation is when the birds start pecking the bigger birds feet to make him let go of the telephone pole wire. This work could improve by adding more emotion to the bird's faces.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What is Graphic Design

Graphic design is the process of visual communication, and problem-solving through the use of type, space, image and color. Graphic design is everywhere. Its on tissue boxes, food packaging and more! With graphic design you can connect with others, with the color the design and maybe personal opinions. Knowing it or not graphic design is around you every day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

eComm Final Blog

e9 Final Project 

In animation, I was the team member that made the product or the prototype to see what it would end up looking like. In the end I was feeling pretty good on how it turned out. Originally, I expected it to look very horrible but, it wasn't half bad! At first, being a team was a little tricky since none of us had really worked together in our class this year. But learning each other's skills in animation made each rotation that much easier.

Second, for my group our next rotation was going to be graphic and web design. Greyson was doing a good job as the leader at first but soon enough we all stepped up and had to take the role as the leader every now and then. In the graphic and web rotation I mainly worked on the coupon and the ad everyday. In graphic design m group worked really well together and got along.

Finally, in the third rotation, video my group really worked well together. At the beginning we had a rough start on the story board of our commercial, but as a team we were able to pull our skills together and make one great company.

Banana phone commercial

Our group's product are Banana phones! Banana phones are the new headphones that blend in with your ears and hair so other people can't tell a difference! Banana phones come wireless and wired and can be customized to fit and match anyone’s ears and hair! The ear buds only come wired.Prices for Headphones are $99.99 for wired and $159.99 for wireless! The prices for ear buds are $29.99 to $39.99 depending on customization.